We Are Biblically Based

We joyfully embrace and proclaim the scripture as absolute truth. It is our guide for everyday life and the foundation of our faith.

We Are Christ Centered

We are centered around the hope and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. We have committed ourselves to following the life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus.

We Are Creative

We are committed to presenting the Gospel creatively and being culturally relevant so that we can reach people.  We will go outside the box to provide opportunities for others to hear of God’s love.

We Are Committed to Excellence

We will strive for excellence as we work hard to honor God in our service to others.

We are an Equipping Church

We provide opportunities for others to be successful in ministry. We equip and release people into the plan and purpose God has for their life.

We Are Family Friendly

We value families at every stage, no matter their background. We love and invest in marriages, parents, kids and students.

We Are Generous

We joyfully give our time, gifts, and resources so that all people can experience the grace of Jesus Christ.

We Are Imperfect

We are all sinners and have made mistakes that we regret. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve done, or what you’re going through, you are accepted here!

We are Multicultural

We welcome all people regardless of race, ethnicity, or language. We embrace every culture as they join our community.

We Are Multi-Generational

We believe in the purpose of every generation and embrace our heritage as we invest in our future. There is a place for every person no matter what age or stage of life.

We Are Prayer Focused

We focus on prayer individually and as a church. We believe prayer changes lives, circumstances, and our world.

We Are Outreach Driven

Our purpose on this earth is to see people meet Jesus. We exemplify the love of Christ across the street, in the workplace, and around the world.

We Are Spirit Empowered

We believe in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. We rely on His guidance, wisdom for life, and we welcome Him in our gatherings.

We Are a Team

The church is strengthened when everyone serves together. We encourage everyone to be involved and find a place to use their gifts.